Silver Filling Replacements

fillings“Please remove all metal fillings in my mouth. Please remove these mercury fillings from my mouth. I need to get rid of that silver filling! My silver mouth is so ugly.” These are just some requests we get on a daily basis here at Bliss Dental, and most dentist offices probably hear these demands quite regularly.

People may have different reasons to have their silver fillings (“restorations”) replaced; the nonesthetic appearance of these dental restorations, the common “mercury scare”, the prevention of caries and cracks, and many more. At Bliss Dental we strongly recommend the General Dentist performing an evaluation of these teeth in question as well as of the overall oral cavity to be able to recommend an optimal treatment plan based on patients' demands, expectations, and on ideal dental care. Bliss Dental takes pride in being able to recommend optimal treatment plan to patients, all while optimizing beauty. With the current dental materials and technology available, ideal dental treatment can be performed all while increasing the cosmetic appearance of somebody. Although appearance may not always be the priority from a clinical point of view, nowadays ideal dentistry can be performed in an esthetic manner.

fillingsIn comparison to resin composite restorations (white fillings) and porcelain restorations, silver fillings (or Amalgam Restorations on Dental lingo) are not chemically bonded to the teeth; they are mechanically “locked” into place. Over time the material tends to expand, a physical property called “Creep” in dental terminology. Not only do the margins or borders of these fillings get compromised, but the remaining walls of the healthy teeth tend to crack because of it. It is quite common for teeth to actually break or crack because of it.

It is important for people to be proactive from a dental point of view. Regular appointments at the dentist are strongly recommended for the dentist to evaluate the overall dentition and determine whether treatment is recommended, and whether silver fillings could stay or should be replaced.

Upon replacement of the silver filling, the general dentist will evaluate the amount remaining of healthy tooth structure. If compromised, a full coverage porcelain crown will be recommended to add protection to the tooth to avoid future fracture. Should there be enough healthy tooth structure upon removal of the silver filling a porcelain inlay/onlay (indirect restoration – a filling performed by a laboratory and bonded onto the teeth afterwards by the dentist) or a composite restoration (white filling) will be the recommended treatment given by the dentist.

During the examination it is possible the dentist may recommend not replacing certain silver fillings that may appear to be very deep and close to the nerve of the tooth if the margins or borders of the filling still appear to be intact or not compromised. That is a decision both the dentist and the patient will need to agree upon.

Feel free to stop by for your Complimentary Smile Evaluation, even though dental Xrays will more than likely be recommended to evaluate the depth of these existing nonesthetic silver fillings to allow for optimal dental treatment recommendation.

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